HOT & COLD. Leo July 2021

Enjoying the Rainy and Stormy Days

Are you like me where you’ve began to enjoy rainy and stormy days? Somehow these types of days have turned from being sour hindrances into opportunities of relaxation or quality time with family.

Recognize Your Enemy

Do you ever wonder why are you constantly getting attacked through people, circumstances, bizarre events? Do you wonder why you feel heaviness, discouragement, frustration? It’s time to recognize the source.

On Suicide and Man’s Search for Meaning

Why do people choose to commit suicide? Finding inspiration through the writings of Victor Frankl.

The Benefit of Studying the Scripture

The same way a pupil or student of an institution of learning is expected to attend classes in order to make good grades, God expects you to attend to his word so you can be successful in life. Success in life is not dependent on the number of degrees you bagged in college, it’s in the amount of God’s word you know and put to work! No demon will listen to you because you have an academic degree, neither will sickness, disease and poverty bow to anything else except the word of God.

7 Steps to Releasing Your Fear and Embracing Your Faith

Working at a job you hate, toxic relationships, illness, financial burdens, and stress can rule your life. It seems like there’s always a long list of never ending problems that we don’t like, but still they have to be addressed. More than likely, your first response when something fails is to worry and be afraid.

The Truth Is?

When you hear the word ‘truth’ what do you immediately associate it as being? (Stop reading, write down your immediate thoughts to this question, without judgement, simply write them down).

Are You Trustworthy? Am I?

I used to believe if I fulfilled all the outer conditions that are measure of trustworthiness, things like: Keeping appointments Respecting the confidential nature of my conversations with others – family, friends, clients Presenting myself openly Acting consistently through all these events and experience… Then I fulfilled the conditions of trustworthiness, therefore, I am/was trustworthy.

How to Find Your Unique Life Purpose

The idea of having a unique life purpose is something that has fascinated me since I was a teenager. In my younger years I followed the obvious path in front of me, but slowly but surely I learned to look within and find my own passions in purpose instead of doing what everyone else expected of me. Some people discover how to do this early in life, and some later in life, and some never do it.

Counterfeit Holiness

The Christian life is not found on the cross, the Christian life is found because of the cross, but not on the cross. He didn’t suffer on the cross so that we could become like He was, He suffered on the cross so that we could become like He is.

Miracle Stopping Hang-Up – Ignoring The Prophets

I speak of prophets who are precise in any predictions concerning individuals or groups. I speak of prophets who give precise details that can only be fitted to an exact happening. I speak of prophets who are anointed by the Holy Spirit.

What Is Real Meaningful Saving Faith, and How Do You Get It, and How Does It Last?

Are there times and seasons in our lives when we are thrown back upon what is basic and fundamental? I certainly have discovered that. Over these past weeks I have been reflecting upon goals and aims and how I had a goal and how I had an aim. It was real and it has lasted and there is not any way whereby I would wish to change or alter and or dilute or compromise that calling from Almighty God. Why should I? It is part of my testimony to the grace and mercy and love of God revealed to me and shown to me in and through the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ. Faith when you are so young is wonderful, although it may mean you have to forego certain ‘pleasures’ in which others participate – and even relationships have to be carefully chosen, because one could so easily be sidetracked and diverted.

When Love Is Bold Enough to Pray

In community… never be surprised by what is literally just around the corner. Recently I met someone who has followed what I’ve written over the past couple of years, and it turns out we study at the same seminary. Having shared half a dozen conversations with her over the past six months, it was clear there was some commonality in both our experience and philosophies of life.

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